Providing Safe,
Quality Water to Portions of East and West Hempfield Townships
Your water system is locally owned and locally controlled by board members living in your area who are also customers of the water we supply or taxpayers in the areas we serve. The decisions the Board makes affect it’s members just like they affect you.
A municipal authority is an agency of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania formed under and governed by the Pennsylvania Municipal Authorities Act. Municipal authorities are formed to facilitate the acquisition, construction, operation, and financing of projects for various purposes such as building and operating a water supply system, a wastewater treatment system, or other critical infrastructure projects.
The Municipal Authority of the Township of East Hempfield (our formal name and sometimes referred to as MATEH) was incorporated on 8/6/41. Municipal authorities were a new concept at the time and we were one of the first municipal authorities formed in the Commonwealth. In 2018 we registered the fictitious name “Hempfield Water Authority” to simplify our name for everyday use.
The Hempfield Water Authority (hereafter, “HWA”) was incorporated by East Hempfield Township and our Board members are appointed by the township supervisors to five-year terms. Beyond that, we are an independent entity from the township with our own finances, employees, operations, and facilities.
Operating Personnel:
- Superintendent: Steve Gohn
- Manager of Finance & Administration: Kelly Sumpter
Your Authority Board:
- Chairman: James Eshleman
- Vice Chairman: Robert Kreider
- Secretary: TJ Titcomb
- Treasurer: Jeffrey Bleacher
- Asst. Secr/Treas: Josh Galomb
Need Help Paying Your Water Bill?
Hempfield Water Authority participates in the Low-Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP). See if you qualify and get instructions for applying for assistance.
Get Emergency
Water Notifications
If your water has to be shut off for repairs, if water needs to be boiled before drinking—or if there’s any other type of water emergency—you can be notified by text message.
More About What Hempfield Water Authority Provides
Would you like more information about the water being supplied to you? Want to know what was covered at the last meeting, or what’s on the agenda for the next one? We’re happy to provide all of that information and more!